Glenn Wilson
Glenn’s evolution into the electronica scene came after being influenced by the electro, hip hop and break-dance movement that swept the UK during the 80’s. The sounds and beats from the likes of Bambaataa, together with documentaries about the New York Bronx’s Zulu Nation and movies like Beat Street soon isolated Glenn from the mainstream music his friend’s were listening too at the time.
After some years later in 92 Glenn relocated to Sweden where he started DJ-ing at a local radio station in Helsingborg South Sweden playing & exposing various forms of techno & house. At the end of 92 he rented some space at the back end of a second-hand record shop where he had a small underground outlet selling to local and national DJs and collectors.
Later on that same year saw the birth to his own label called Planet Rhythm - the name of which was inspired by the series of mix tapes he use to make from his bedroom DJ sessions called Planetary Rhythms.
The label had one purpose and that was to expose the production talents of Swedish artists and at the beginning of 93 Glenn talked about his ideas to a producer called Cari Lekebusch (who he had met via a DJ in Stockholm who he used to sell records to).
Cari agreed to do the first 2 releases for the label and In 94 Glenn relocated to the capital Stockholm to try and expand both the record shop and the label. After a few months a place was found to set up a firm base. Not only was it now a fully independent record shop and record label but it also became home to Cari Lekebusch’s Hybrid Productions & the Hybrid Studio.
After a very short time Glenn needed more help in the shop and also new artists for the label. Cari had a few underground producer friends who he had met via various friends and on various parties and when Glenn explained Planet Rhythm’s concept to them, demos were soon arriving. Adam Beyer, Jesper Dahlbaek (aka Lenk) Thomas Krome, & Fredrik Almqvist (aka RND Technologies) all started producing for Planet Rhythm and the shop soon became a vital hub, meeting point and outlet for anyone and anything involved in the scene.
Its popularity and its importance as a solid base for anything electronic was soon apparent when it was nominated together with Cari's Hybrid Productions for the Swedish entertainment prize awards.
After a number of releases a remix series for the label was started which broke out from the Swedish circle and started using international artists like The Advent & Cristian Vogel. This came about not in an attempt to get noticed on an international scale but was infact a request by the likes of Cisco himself who liked what the label was releasing. At that time Cisco was the co producer of some of the most respected outputs being released like CJ Bolland's 4th sign, so to Glenn a bigger compliment couldn’t have been made and a big opportunity like this could not be missed.
After a steady rise in popularity both nationally and internationally the problem for expansion was very clear, ;distribution and distributors'.
In 95 Glenn relocated to England where he was to concentrate more on the distribution network - but before doing so set up Planet Rhythm UK that was to provide a more selection of artists from around the world but still hold a Swedish Connection. Planet Rhythm UK still released many of its Swedish producers like Adam Beyer, Cari Lekebush, Jesper Dahlbaek, Thomas Krome & Fredrik almqvist but also under different names, such as Cari as Shapechanger and Fredrik as 40ft Puma. Planet Rhythm UK wanted to reflect a more Global Mixture of artists and released the early works of artists Like: Gaetek, Umek, Andrei Morant as well as Glenn himself, It also started breaking down the gender barriers by releasing work by female producers such as Jana Clemen (aka Abstract Soul). Many others found their way onto Planet Rhythm UK like Headroom, The Anxious, Slobodan, Ignition Technician, Lars Klein and Robert Natus just to mention a few.
In 96 Planet Rhythm started its first sub-label called Template that featured Glenn’s work as Ventilator as well as releasing music from artists such as Lash (aka Gaetek), Jack Mackrel, Postor (aka Savinto), Ind-Ex, Tuomas Rantanen & Render (aka Headroom).
While dj-ing at a party in Slovenia Glenn met up with producer Mike Humphries and realized they had similar music & production tastes & set up Punish Records Which they use to release most of there own productions. The raw edgy techno it was releasing soon got noticed by the likes of DJ Rush and Dave Clarke just to mention a few, and with the classic punish 4 release 'Aural Exciter' the label truly got accepted as one of the great UK techno labels. Intact the label went on to be the outlet for Glenn’s debut album entitled 'Nightshift'
In January 99 Glenn Set up Compound which was dedicated to getting back to the early values of Planet Rhythm. This label was a huge hit with the hard driving phat clubbing techno sound that engulfed the new millennium and was soon seeing a dedicated following from top DJ's on the techno circuit. In the winter of 2001 Heroes was engineered and brought to life.
Concentrating mainly on forward driving electronic funk, Glenn sets out to output concept releases that will take on imaginative designs along with special free insert media and promotion for the train spotters and collectors. After the instant success of heroes Glenn set up the Heroes X Series which released remixes of the original Heroes tracks and featured exclusive remixes from Glenn himself and also from pioneering producers such as Chris McCormack, Ignition Technician, Mike Humphries, Alexander Kowalski, Lars Klein, Michael Burkat, The Anxious and Patrick Skoog.
In mid 2005 the trilogy was completed when Glenn after 10 years teamed up again with Cari but this time to release the first of the Heroes International Series.
During late 2005 to late 2007 Glenn took time out to contemplate new horizons one of which saw him return in 2008 with the revamped Compound label, which halted releases in 2005. This joint venture saw Glenn and long time friend Dean Rodell unite via Dean’s Subdivision booking and promotion agency.
Also recently live was Glenn’s Rhythmlabs webpage that saw Glenn make available an exclusive library of beats, rhythms and sounds he has been making over the past years.
An intense workaholic Glenn is hard at work creating tunes both for his own label and for others and is once again taking bookings for his energetic live performances which has seen him scour the globe with his compact live rig playing at various parties in some of the following countries: Austria, Australia, Brazil, Denmark, England, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Japan, Scotland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden etc.